Search: Keyword(s): install react native globally

It takes hours to install every needy dependency when starting a new project in React native. Can i install npm dependency globally (lets say npm install --save react-navigation), so that i can use...
I am developing a React Native App, in which I have installed some Packages Locally and some Global and I can see Local and Global Packages via listing them with these Commands: For Local Packages:...
Here are the steps I did to set up my project: $ git clone ssh:<project> $ cd <project> $ nvm install 5.0 $ nvm use 5.0 I then check my node version and it appears to be correct: v5.0...
React native cli globally installed version : 2.0.1 I then used react-native init project_name to set up a project with the native modules. I then tried installing React Native Elements UI Toolkit
I have a new React-Native project up and running using expo. I am trying to install the react navigation dependencies. I followed the instructions in the docs, I downloaded "@react-navigation/...
i am new to react native. I was wondering is there anyway to load CSS,Colors globally to all components and screens rather then importing in each screen. I have one reusable stylesheet.js and colo...
I installed react-native globally and confirmed installation on Windows 10. Then I ran react-native command in PowerShell to install materials-kit and vector-icons. The installation of these packages
I want to install react-native cli but I don't where to run this command: npm install -g react-native-cli. Do I need to run this command on my macOS terminal or when I will make a directory for my ...
I am not very clear about the process to be able to handle errors globally in a react-native application. How to capture any aplication error and response according to it?, for example show an error
I have the following package: react-native-rename The project, inside package.json, has an alias that launches the index.js file. I forked the repository and uploaded on my private GitLab. Now, ...


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