Search: Keyword(s): macbook menu bar not working

I have a website where I am using an css bootstrap affix menu. Due to the length of my menu, I need to add an automatic vertical scrollbar when the screen is not long enough. I added the a class...
Is the new Macbook Pro touch bar hardware accelerated? Will it support things like OpenGL contexts and the like?
Clarification: mvim stands for MacVim, and I got it installed through "home-brew". The problem: Unlike on the Windows equivalent (Gvim), setting option set guioptions-=m does not get the menu bar
I am trying to create a menu bar that height is fixed but squeezes as browser size changes in CSS? Here is my current CSS which is just the menu bar created in PS with the sizes 1920 X 100, I would
I just changed comp and I got a MacBook Air M1 and I'm experiencing a weird behaviour when coding in Android studio 2021.2. To comment the line the cmd + / (actually cmd + shift + 7 as I'm on the l...
What size should an application icon and menu bar icon for OS X be? I can deal with small resolution displays but what about Retina - does an icon displayed on the menu bar (e.g. 20 x 20 ) will be
working on Macbook. I'm learning JavaFX and can't understand the concept of main menu. There are many tutorials on a youtube, showing how to create a menu in JavaFX application. But when I expand my
I am working on a navigation drawer in which i am using multiple fragment .In one of the fragment i have to use menu item for some action .Now i can inflate menu item on action bar on that fragment...
I'm used to using IntelliJ on Windows. For work purposes I also need to use it on a MacBook and I'm completely lost. First time using MacOS. I have IntelliJ installed and running. No menu bar! I ne...
I'm used to using IntelliJ on Windows. For work purposes I also need to use it on a MacBook and I'm completely lost. First time using MacOS. I have IntelliJ installed and running. No menu bar! I ne...


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