Search: Keyword(s): react-native doctor android sdk not found mac

There are multiple similar questions everywhere across the internet and so far no provided solutions work. I use Android Studio 4.0.0, and maybe this is the problem. So far I got these settings in my
I have already install flutter and android studio, but when I executed flutter doctor , doctor found issues android sdk file not found in path ( AppDate\local\android\sdk\platform\android-29\and...
Today I started learning flutter for my mobile application and I followed every step for flutter installation but my flutter doctor can't find Android SDK. When I type flutter doctor it shows me t...
I installed flutter and it was working fine but after updating it to recent version, flutter is not able to find the android sdk manager. I've tried running flutter doctor and tried to install andr...
I have faced this issue how can I fix it? (I have downloaded the android sdk tool ,adb file is present in platform-tools directory) This is the result of flutter doctor: C:\Windows\System32>flu...
The error on cmd says android SDK file not found: C:\Users\Me\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\build-tools\29.0.3 after running flutter doctor on flutter console. Android Studio seems to work fine. my...
I am trying to setup flutter development environment on MAC OS "Mojave" ..downloaded flutter SDK, XCODE, Android studio and all. whenever I try to run flutter doctor it says: Doctor summary (to se...
when running react-native doctor Common ✓ Node.js ✓ yarn Android ✓ ANDROID_HOME ✖ Android SDK - Required for building and installing your app on Android - Version found: 23.0.1 - V
So, I have just now managed to resolve a Flutter Doctor issue about the Android SDK not being found, and it took a long time and I tried many things. Did I almost give up? No, I always had a new i...
I'm trying to run my React-native app "Android" but in every single time before i add the SDK path inside project files manually like this sdk.dir=/Users/USERNAME/Library/Android...


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