Search: Keyword(s): sdk location not found react native mac

I'm trying to run my React-native app "Android" but in every single time before i add the SDK path inside project files manually like this sdk.dir=/Users/USERNAME/Library/Android...
I am trying to setup React Native for the first time, but I can't get ahead of the "SDK location not found" problem. I installed the SDK into the standard path in AppData and also tried to create a...
I've been reading a lot, nothing is working, already tried: write skd.dir = /home/fxn/Android/Sdk in the file move that file to the project's root set the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environ...
According to the react-native docs, I have installed Android 8.0 (Oreo) and the rest of the instructions. The only difference is that I have defined the path varibales in .bashrc and not .bash-prof...
I am exporting my react native files using : ./gradlew assembleRelease. I am receiving the following errors: Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle ...
I try to build react-native app on Mac. I installed Java, android studio etc.. have this issue: bundler: failed to load command: fastlane and SDK location not found. Define location with an
I have done all the set up for Android and iOS in React Native from below link in my mac mashine. Project created
I'm on MacOS trying to run a react native (0.59.9) app on Android emulator. I've integrated Sentry using the wizard. Works fine on iPhone. On Android, this happens: I try to run the app w/ react-n...
I am developing app on react native for video calling and live broadcasting. I have found react-native sdk for video calling but unfortunately i did not find any react-native sdk for live broadcast...
What went wrong: A problem occurred configuring project ':app'. SDK location not found. Define location with an ANDROID_SDK_ROOT environment variable or by setting the sdk.dir path in your proje...


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