How to transpose the list in java


I want to transpose my list

Assume I am having the studentList

List<Student> studentList = new ArrayList<Student>();
studentList.add(new Student(101, "English", "95"));
studentList.add(new Student(101, "Maths", "82"));
studentList.add(new Student(101, "Biology", "93"));
studentList.add(new Student(101, "Physics", "77"));
studentList.add(new Student(101, "Chemistry", "65"));
studentList.add(new Student(102, "English", "86"));
studentList.add(new Student(102, "Maths", "75"));
studentList.add(new Student(102, "Biology", "68"));
studentList.add(new Student(102, "Physics", "63"));
studentList.add(new Student(102, "Chemistry", "84"));
studentList.add(new Student(103, "English", "92"));
studentList.add(new Student(103, "Maths", "88"));
studentList.add(new Student(103, "Biology", "67"));
studentList.add(new Student(103, "Physics", "81"));
studentList.add(new Student(103, "Chemistry", "93"));

public class Student {

    private Integer rollNo;

    private String subject;

    private String marks;


I want to transpose this data to the StudentResultList

List<StudentResult> studentResultList = new ArrayList<StudentResult>();

public class StudentResult {

    private String rollno;

    private String english;

    private String maths;

    private String biology;

    private String physics;

    private String chemistry;



Expected Output:

            101         102         103

English     95          86          92

Maths       82          75          88

Biology     93          68          67  

Physics     77          63          81  

Chemistry   65          84          93  

What collection i have to use to transpose my list?

I tried to convert using

HashMap<Integer,Object> (Integer is RollNo,Object is another hashmap)

HashMap<String, String> (String is Subject and the another String is marks)

Using this i am converting the studentlist to studentResultlist.

Anybody suggest me, Is there any better way to transpose the list?

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Author:「Martin」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.
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Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.