Transpose tab deliminated textfile with perl using Array::Transpose


I have several huge textfiles which I need to transpose. I get stuck on the idea using Array::Transpose for that purpose - but somehow I can't come to an end... Here is my source code:


use warnings;
use strict;
use Array::Transpose;

my $eachline;
my $input=$ARGV[0];
my @array;

open (IN, "<$input") or die ("no such file!");
   push @array, split(/\t/,$eachline);

my @array2=transpose(\@array);

I can not see, what is wrong with that idea, as the documentations says:

use Array::Transpose;

The error code says:

Can't use string ("") as an ARRAY ref while "strict refs" in use at /usr/local/share/perl/5.14.2/Array/ line 91, <IN> line 3.

I am almost new in programming, especially in Perl. I really don't understand what the error means. I am happy with any helpful answer!

Cheers, newbie!

Edit: What I have forgotten to say: My input file says:

Parameter1 \t Parameter2 \t .... ParameterXY \n 
Value1 \t Value2... 

and so on.

I want an output file that says:

Parameter1 \t Value1 \t .....ValueXY \n
Parameter2 \t Value2 \t......

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Author:「user3401516」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.
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Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.