Why I am getting the altitude as 0


Why I am getting the altitude as 0 while using CoreLocation framework?

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Author:「tutu」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.
Link to:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7189871/why-i-am-getting-the-altitude-as-0

About “Why I am getting the altitude as 0” questions

Why I am getting the altitude as 0 while using CoreLocation framework?
Look here Finding Altitude in Swift And look my code import CoreLocation class ViewController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate { @IBOutlet weak var lbl: UILabel! var player:
I am using Location Package in flutter (https://pub.dev/packages/location) and getting the users altitude every second. It seems to be working but when I calculate the elevation gain then I am get...
I am trying to get an Current Altitude from location.getAltitude() method. but it always returns zero. what should i do to get current altitude value. but getting longitude and lattitude correctly.
I was wondering if there is a way to get the altitude for my current location in leaflet like getting the latitude and longitude this.marker = leaflet.marker([e.latitude, e.longitude]).addTo(this....
In a class derived from the MapActivity class, I want to get the altitude of the point clicked by the user. So far, I know how to retrieve the latitude, the longitude but not the altitude. Is it
I get the altitude always 0. I want to obtain the altitude above sea level in Android using GPS. My code is: public void onLocationChanged(Location location) { double lat = (double) (location.
hello,this is my code that I am used to get latitude,longitude and altitude.Longitude latitude getting properly but altitude return always zero.I could not understand how to get altitude.please check
Hi i have one small problem. I wrote an app in which i log lat,long and alt from gps. Long and lat is quite ok but altitude is at the start more than 60m above correct one ( correct is ~275 but sh...
I am trying to find out altitude from a given point, but I am not getting that with my iPad. I have defined my altitude var like this: var altitude: CLLocationDistance = 0.0 I have made this fun...

Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.