How to use ICU with UTF-16?


I'm looking into using ICU for Unicode string processing in a native Node.js module because it seems to me that v8::String (according to these docs) doesn't have a C++ API for this purpose.

To my knowledge V8 expects UTF-16 in ExternalStringResource and other APIs, so I'd like to use ICU for UTF-16 processing. I specifically need to:

  • Iterate over the characters (not just the 16-bit code units) of an UTF-16 string
  • Tell the number of characters (not just the 16-bit code units) that an UTF-16 string contains

So I looked at the ICU documentation and found the UnicodeString and CharacterIterator classes. However, UnicodeString doesn't have a fromUTF16 method, only fromUTF8 and fromUTF32.

The other thing I'm unsure about is, does the UnicodeString constructor copy the data I give it or not? I'd very much prefer to use a zero-copy approach where I'd just work with an immutable object so it shouldn't perform any copy operations, just use the buffer I point it at.

I'm also unsure if I can just use UCharIterator (assuming I can somehow convert UChar* from my UTF-16 strings).

So my question is: How do I use ICU for the above purposes?

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Author:「Venemo」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.
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Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.