From MySQL database show an item by id


INSERT INTO `echipe` (`id`, `nume_echipa`, `victorii`, `infrangeri`, `steag`) VALUES
(1, 'Trencin', 0, 0, '/img/Trencin.png'),
(2, 'Astra', 0, 0, '/img/Astra.png');

so I want to do something like that

Astra vs Trencin but to get specify id from table and display name and other info.

My php script

$con=mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "pariuri");
// check connection
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
    echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . mysql_connect_error();

$result = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM echipe");

while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result))
    echo $row['id'] . " " . $row['nume_echipa'];
    echo "<br>";


Copyright License:
Author:「Daniel Laurovici」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.
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About “From MySQL database show an item by id” questions

INSERT INTO `echipe` (`id`, `nume_echipa`, `victorii`, `infrangeri`, `steag`) VALUES (1, 'Trencin', 0, 0, '/img/Trencin.png'), (2, 'Astra', 0, 0, '/img/Astra.png'); so I want to do something like ..
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Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.