getOrCreate for java-rest-api neo4j fails


I have a simple relationship test that I am trying to run to create a unique node using Rest API (java-rest-binding) but unfortunately I am stuck on something, here are the details: (the non-unique node and relationship works perfectly fine, its with this that it doesn't, most likely I am doing something naive (pardon my lack on knowledge of neo4j).

final UserModel userModel = new UserModel();
        final HashMap<String, Object> uModelAttributes = new HashMap<String, Object>(0);
        uModelAttributes.put("name", "AnirudhVyas");
        final HashSet<Action> buyHistory = new HashSet<Action>();
        final Action buyAction = new Action();
        final ProductModel productModel = new ProductModel();
        final HashMap<String, Object> attributes = new HashMap<String, Object>(0);
        attributes.put("name", "mercedes benz ");
        attributes.put("make", "mercedes benz");
        attributes.put("model", "sls 550");
        attributes.put("year", "2014");
        new UserModelDAO().createCompleteTree(userModel);
        System.out.println("Completed >>>

if i use this on the dao:

final RestNode root = api.getOrCreateNode(api.index().forNodes("users", MapUtil.stringMap(IndexManager.PROVIDER, "lucene", "type", "fulltext")), "name", m
                    .getAttributes().get("name"), m.getAttributes());

api.getOrCreateNode(api.index().forNodes("products", MapUtil.stringMap(IndexManager.PROVIDER, "lucene", "type", "fulltext")), "name", buyAction.getProduct().getAttributes().get("name"), buyAction.getProduct().getAttributes()), RelationshipTypes.BOUGHT);

This basically Fails with:

   java.lang.RuntimeException: Error retrieving or creating node for key name and value AnirudhVyas with index users
        at xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.graph.UserModelCreateTasteKeyNeo4JBatchCallback.recordBatch(

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Author:「anirudh.vyas」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.
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Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.