Java Runtime exec() with mysqldump


I'm a little curious about the behaviour of Runtime's exec() method when I run mysqldump. I'm running the following command:

mysqldump --user=root --hex-blob [database name] -r [path to sql file]

What I'm wondering is, where does Runtime search for the program mysqldump.exe?

I see that some people supply the whole file path to mysqldump.exe when executing it using Runtime. Why is this?

The reason why I'm curious is because I have two scenarios:

  1. On one windows machine, if I open run and type "cmd" it will open a command window with the default location C:/. Running the mysqldump command on this machine works.
  2. On another windows machine, if I open run and type "cmd" it will open a command window with the default location H:/. Running the mysqldump command on this machine fails. Java's Runtime cannot find the file mysqldump.exe.

Is it possible that the two windows machines have different default drives and if I don't supply the full path to mysqldump.exe, the system will look in the default driver?

Thanks in advance!

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Author:「Richard Silvertass」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.
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Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.