My first PHP / MySQL app - what's the next step?


I'm developing my first web application using PHP, MySql, and HTML, but I'm at a roadblock: now I have to start piecing all the pages, modules, and included files into an actual 'application'. I'm really trying to make this an answerable question, and not a discussion topic, but now I'm thinking about 'web design' - and I don't want to have to learn css and all that, because I want to speand my time programming and not designing. So what I'd like is a utility where I can visually design, say a menu bar, and just paste the code into my application where I can work with it. Or I want to format text visually, and paste the css file into my application. I guess what I want to easily design a layout with forms, images and graphics, and have them show up with my dynamic tables. So my question is - is it a good option to go with a big design program like Dreamweaver for this, or is there an easier way? I'm not really even a programmer (can you tell?), and I'm figuring this out as I go. As an aside, I'm pretty pleased with what I've got so far - I think the functions and modules are pretty useful, and the end product (however I get there) will be great. Apologies for the rambling question, and any advice is really appreciated.

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Author:「Reg H」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.
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About “My first PHP / MySQL app - what's the next step?” questions

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Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.