MySQL - SELECT all columns WHERE one column is DISTINCT


I'm very sorry if the question seems too basic.
I've surfed entire Internet and StackOverflow for a finished solution, and did not find anything that I can understand, and can't write it myself, so have to ask it here.

I have a MySQL database.
It has a table named "posted".
It has 8 columns.

I need to output this result:

SELECT DISTINCT link FROM posted WHERE ad='$key' ORDER BY day, month

But I need not only the "link" column, but also other columns for this row.
Like for every row returned with this query I also need to know its "id" in the table, "day" and "month" values etc.

Please tell me what should I read to make it, or how to make it.
Please keep it as simple as possible, as I'm not an expert in MySQL.

Edit: I tried this:

SELECT DISTINCT link,id,day,month FROM posted WHERE ad='$key' ORDER BY day, month

It doesn't work. It returns too many rows. Say there are 10 rows with same links, but different day/month/id. This script will return all 10, and I want only the first one (for this link).

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About “MySQL - SELECT all columns WHERE one column is DISTINCT” questions

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Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.