ICU: Which compare API to use?


I read the documentation on the different compare APIs that ICU provides, but couldn't quite get the difference between them.

int8_t icu::UnicodeString::compare  (const UnicodeString &text  )   const

int8_t icu::UnicodeString::caseCompare  (
        int32_t start, 
        int32_t     length, 
        const UChar * srcChars, 
        int32_t     srcStart, 
        int32_t     srcLength, 
        uint32_t    options 

virtual EComparisonResult icu::Collator::compare(   
       const UnicodeString &source, 
        const UnicodeString &target 

To be able to do case insensitive operations on UTF16 strings, which API fits the bill and why?


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Author:「Maddy」,Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.
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About “ICU: Which compare API to use?” questions

I read the documentation on the different compare APIs that ICU provides, but couldn't quite get the difference between them. int8_t icu::UnicodeString::compare (const UnicodeString &text )
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Copyright License:Reproduced under the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright license with link to original source & disclaimer.